Thursday, June 22, 2006

"We're leaving next week"

My days in Laval are numbered and I've been running around nonstop trying to get everything done. Tessa and I were running errands in town the other day and the guy at the video shop asked if I wanted to put more money on my account with some new promotion they had going on and I replied "oh, no, c'est pas la peine. we're leaving next week." He said "oh, the trip's over?" Umm...he's seen us spend long amounts of time in his shop trying to decide what to rent since January. Does he really still think we're tourists? And what tourists join a video club in a foreign country anyway? I don't hold it against him though, he's a sweet guy (unlike the aforementioned evil bakery lady).

Next stop, the gym (full discretion: this is only my second time stepping foot in the gym since early May and I didn't even go to exercise). Sebastian - aka my personal trainer- was really happy to see us. I think he assumed that we had left with the rest of the English girls because he hadn't seen us in months. It took a fair amount of coaxing to get Tessa to even go with me to drop off my last payment (60 bucks down the drain...) but Seb didn't even give us grief about not going anymore. When we told him we were leaving next week he said "so, the adventure's over, huh? You guys will at least come see us once more before leaving" I took the summer schedule and said "maybe I'll come by for a class....but I probably won't."

Next week - the last one in Laval- we're having a going away party and we were trying to figure out a day to have it. One of the Frenchies said "no, not next week. let's do it in 2 weeks" and I said "in 2 weeks it'll be too late." When Tessa heard this she said "Laura, you realize, in two weeks it'll BE TOO LATE! We'll be gone!" We find funny ways to bring it up to each other like "in 10 days I'll be on the train to Paris and you'll be on the ferry to England!" or "so what if they're only showing "The Break-Up" in VF (French)? You can just see it at home in English in 2 weeks!!" Can you tell we're eager to get out of here?

As excited as I am to get back home, I think I'm actually going to miss this place (or at least some things about this place). It's just as I was walking down the street today on my way to run errands -after 2PM of course when everything opens up again after lunch- that I realized how accustomed I have become to life here. Not working on Wednesdays, not running errands from 11:30AM-2PM, only being able to get milk at the supermarket and nothing being open on Sundays - all of this has actually started to seem normal to me.

Anyhow, no more mushiness on the blog. This past month has literally flown by and I'm sure these next 10 days will too. It'll be sad to leave here, but it will be AMAZING to go home! My story's not over yet though, I still haven't told you what I've been doing these past few weekends and I've got plenty of blogging left in me.


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